
  1. R

    HJ membership and Frauenschaft badges by maker M1/170?

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and have a question. I specifically collect pieces made by two makers; B.H. Mayer and Klein & Quenzer. I am currently trying to find out for certain if B.H. Mayer made a HJ Diamond membership badge and a N.S. Frauenschaft badge. Can anyone confirm for me if they...
  2. S

    Berchtesgadener Trachtenjacke

    Hello... has anybody Information about the Berchtesgadener Trachtenjacke. i received one of those jackets from a 95 years old women together witch the BDM achievement badges in bronce and silver, two Membership badges and a reichsjugendsportabzeichen. must be a tough Lady. she became both...
  3. wingman15

    BDM Leaders & Frauenschaft

    some pictures of BDM leaders and frauenschaft
  4. cemifor

    Wolfsangel - Zeitschrift fur die Deutschen Kinder

    Wolfsangel - Zeitschrift fur die Deutschen Kinder 4. heft, 3. Jahrg. München, April/Ostermond 1935 15 Pfg Herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit Gauen der NS- Frauenschaft. .
  5. Garry

    Hartmann Lauterbacher, Erlebt und Mitgestaltet - The Adolf Hitler March

    Tony would appear to have deserted us for some reason so rather than leaving this sub-forum as it is I thought it would be a good place to put translations from autobiographies/period books. Those of you who may not be able to read German might, I hope, find them useful. So, to start us off...
  6. Panther

    Golden HJ badge with document

    Hi Guys Does anyone have an idea what a numbered Golden HJ badge in fair to good condition with the matching award document (showing the award number) would be worth ? An award to a BDM recipient. There are some other documents in the group as well including her membership card to the BDM...