A HJ meldeblock ?

Oct 17, 2022
Thanks Received
Ive tried to do some resaerch and came up empty handed. Has anyone come across one of. these before? Looks to be a note book for training. purposes?Any help is welcomed
Thank you

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The resolution of the photos is not great, so I can't read everything.
So I'm summarising a bit: Reporting, like camouflage and scouting, was part of pre-military terrain training.
This exercise or terrain training here took place on 15 February 1939 in a woodland near Berlin.
The leader of this patrol, Rottenführer Müller, reports to his superior, Gefolgschaftsführer Martin of the 3rd Gefolgschaft of Bann 201, Herbert Norkus, Berlin.
Thank you Brad.

The printed text above gives instructions on how to report. Unfortunately, again, I can guess more than I can read:

According to your assignment, you report briefly and clearly what you have seen yourself. If you did not see something yourself, but someone else did, you must emphasise this, as well as if you suspect or assume something.
You report:
WHEN or at what time you saw something of the opponent,
WHAT or WHOM you saw from the opponent, for example,
HOW in what form or activity you saw the opponent,
WHERE at which point you saw something of the opponent
and what you do after the report (I think).

Then comes a note on what belongs above (Meldekopf):
When - date and time
Who reports and as what (patrol)
how (as a cyclist, for example)
and where - from which place to report.

Finally, there are instructions on how to make a sketch and that you should not use left, right, etc., but the cardinal directions. but to use the cardinal directions.