Foreign Hitler Youth HJ membership documents (Hungary, Slovakia etc)

HJ AO Spanien Führerausweis

Good evening Gents,

here a little gem from my collection, although I have quite a number of ID's which would be worth mentioning. However, here one of an "Auslandsdeutscher" from Bilbao. I bought it in 2013 as part of a paper grouping (photo 1 displays parts of this). It is actually not a HJ Ausweis, but a Führerausweis of Willi DorrWilli was born in February 1925 in Barcelona. He was situated in Balbao when he was promoted to Rottenführer, this was stamped by the Reichsjugendführung (Auslandsamt). Interesting is, that Detlev Ehlers, who varified the Ausweis, in the rank of Gefolgschaftsführer, was later "Landesjugendführer for Spanien (see Kameradschaftsführer promotion).

He wears the three lined triangle for the Auslandsdeutschen.



P.S.: Sorry, the attachments are not in order and I have not a clue how to get it in the right order. I definately have attached it correctly, however something I must have done wrong.

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That is indeed a gem Daniel. Very nice :thumb:

Here's a little on Ehlers just in case you don't have it:

Born: 1.9.1904 in Pinneberg
NSDAP member since 1.5.1934. Membership number: 3453490
Was a teacher in Barcelona and member of the NSLB from August 1933.
As Hauptgefolgschaftsführer he was head of the LJF in Spain, initially in Barcelona and then from 1936 in Vigo.
Stammführer Jan 1940
Oberstammführer Nov 1941
Bannführer April 1943

KVK II without swords May 1942.

PS if you need pictures in a particular order you can upload them into your post one at a time using the picture frame icon:

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