My HJ room

Aug 10, 2009
Thanks Received
I just finished today my HJ room. I haved do an inverssion in furniture and painting walls etc... Many many money...
But now I have an HJ room so nice, whit no many things, but I like it. I hope someday have it full of things!

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Way to go kamerad , soon you will need to get a bigger room .
Just a matter of interest since I see we all use the Ikea Detolf cabinets: a while ago I found on the UK "bay" a small lock that fits it perfectly. just in case you feel safer while you're at work and don't want the housemaid or kids to open it :001_tongue:
YEAP, Muy bien Albrecht.

Me encanta tu coleccion, y lo mejor es que eres muy joven. Sigue asi y veras que te convertiras en pocos años en uno de los coleccionismas de HJ mas importantes de España.




Well done Albrecht,
I love your collection, and the best part is that you are very young. Go on and you will see that in a few years you will become one of the most imporant HJ collectors in Spain.


Thank you to all for your support. Soon I will be getting a new mannequin (I hope next month) and aswell new items.
Collect for me is hard now because I have no work. Economical crise is so hard in Spain and they reduced army... I am one of the soldiers who is now whit no work.
I just hope have luck and be patient, and I am sure whit the help of you all I will have a happy collecting.

P.D.: Sorry for the delay in the answer.
HJ room

:lol::lol::lol:Nice display Obviously you are not married,if I tried something like that my wife would stab me in the heart with my HJ motto dagger