Jun 7, 2009
Thanks Received
Helmond, Netherlands. My hometown is located near
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Next to the Hilfszug "Bayern" (HZB) another special formation existed. The first attempts to create a special
technical unit took place in January 1933 when SA-Sturmführer Hermann Schäfer from Niedersachsen put
together a unit for the purposes of assisting during the elections at Lippe. In appreciation for his work Hitler appointed
Schäfer to create a mobile loudspeaker unit later that year. In record time Schäfer - together with the staff-leader
from the sub-department for NSDAP propaganda, Hugo Fischer, raised a technical unit for propaganda-purposes at
Party events and rallies for the NSDAP and its sub-organizations.

In early 1935, on the advice of the Party leadership and based upon Hitler's wishes, the NSDAP Reichsleitung
decided to develop plans to expend the 1933-embryo into a new technical formation. This unit was equipped with
technical equipment for loudspeaker transmission, electricity supply (for making films, recordings, transmittings by
radio and signals, as well as for illimuniation), building tribunes, galleries and decorations (such as flags, triumphal
arches etc.) and was also able to sweep streets, transport goods and sick and injured people when catastrophies
occured, plus office work. All of this was possible by means of especially constructed trucks and vehicles, manufactured
mainly by the C.D. Magirus concern at Ulm. 80 behicles were planned and by the spring of 1937, 39 of them were
already available. It was possible to divide the convoys and send them to various events that took place at the same

The RAZ existed from four official parts:
Hauptzug "Munchen", the main convoy with 21 trucks and three smaller ones:
"Zug "Donau", Zug "Rheinland" and Zug "Niedersachsen" with each having 6 trucks.
Later the convoys were enlarged. So were available trucks for Nachrichten- und Rundfunk-Übertragungen, the earlier
mentioned transmittings, trucks for propaganda (these included the flags and decorations, trucks for Tonfilm and
Lautsprecher (film and loudspeaker trucks). Further there were fuel trucks (Brennstofftankwagen), workshop
trucks (Werkstättenwagen), office trucks (Bürowagen") and trucks that also were used by the HZB as
a power station, and special trucks for cleaning the streets, known as Sprengwagen and Wassertankwagen.

In 1937 the Reichsautobahnhof, an outstanding accomodation was opened, where also the HZB had its facilities.
Special garages were built, which could hold forty trucks. The repair-workshop was 62.0 x 85.0 mtr and was divided into
three sections. There was also a yard for fueling and washing the trucks. In spring 1935 the building project started and was
ready in late 1936. The units official designation was the Reichsautozug "Deutschland der Reichspropagandaleitung der
. Schäfer was appointed its commander on May 1, 1936, Simultaneously he was promoted to the rank of
SA-Brigadeführer. The RAZ was made public in May 1936 when the autoway between Colonia and Düsseldorf was
opened by Goebbels, while Grohé the Gauleiter and Dr. Todt were attending. The RAZ was subordinated to the
Party leadership and its accounting managed by Reichsschatzmeister Schwarz.

From 1939 the RAZ was referred as the "technische Sturm der Obersten SA-Führung, Reichsautozug Deutschland",
the technical unit for the SA High-Command and could be found anywhere where propaganda or technical equipment were
needed. They also participated with the annexation of Austria and later the Sudetenland. Since 1942 the RAZ was
directly assigned to Goebbels. During the bombing of the Bürgerbräukeller at Munich two RAZ members were killed:
Eugen Schachta and Wilhelm Weber. In honor for their merits the RAZ was authorized to carry both names with the RAZ-
units flag. Both names appeared next to each other along the upper edge of the flag.

Consult also the thread about the Hilfszug "Bayern" for more information


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Sorry friends for the delay of adding photographs for the Reichsautozug "Deutschland".

Due to a sudden assignment I have to change all of my scedules for the next 4 or more months.
Even my works for volume 6 for the headgear-series for Bender Publishing will be delayed
once again. A planned article about railroad eagles, for which I was working already quite some
time, did grow so much, that last week it was decided and agreed with my publisher, to make a
booklet out of it. So.....later it won't be only available to the subscribers of the magazine, but to
all that are interested in this collecting subject.

This booklet brings me lots of work and also it is needed I have to make new contacts with
owners of these eagles. Due to the planned, tight scedule I must see all the work to be done
before late summer/early fall! But..... I'll be back!!
Today I am able to continue with the RAZ, specifically a grouping of photographs.
Some were shown in volume 3 for the headgear-series "Headgear of Hitler's Germany"
in the chapter about the SA.

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a) b) c)

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d) e)

a) May 21, 1936. The first public appearance of the RAZ caravan during the opening of the Reichsautobahn
between Colonia and Hilden. Note the crowd with their flags at the bridge;
b) High level visitors at the Reichsautobahnhof, the enormous RAZ garage, in late 1936. Next to Goebbels is
Hugo Fischer, the Reichspropagandaleitung staff leader. At Hitler's right the RAZ leader/commander, SA-
Obergruppenführer Hermann Schäfer
. Note the amplifier-loudspeaker on top of the roof of the vehicle;
c) various enormous trucks for the transportation of goods and RAZ-members. The section "Rheinland" ready
for departure

d) ibid, a group of vehicles lined up for inspection;
e) October 18, 1942: during a meeting at the Feldherrnhalle a group of "hot shots", gathered for an important
meeting. At left Dr. Goebbels; in the foreground Ritter von Epp. In the leather great-coat, the RAZ commander Schäfer.
At his back is von Eberstein.


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a) b)

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c) d)

a) Members from the RAZ standing next to their vehicles inside the garage, known as the Reichsautobahnhof
which was located on the grounds of the Reichszeugmeisterei at Munich. Note the wearing of their unique beret.
The occasion was the visit of the military attaché. Major Smith on April 6, 1937 (see also the thread about the Hilfszug Bayern;
b) inside the garage. The special uniform is being worn, known as Sonderhilfszuguniform. With this an aluminum cuffband with
inscription was worn;
c) ibid;
d) the inside of the enormous garage for the RAZ.


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a) the days before the visit all vehicles were cleaned and washed. It was intended to overwhelm the American visitor
with what the Germans had archived in a few years;
b) truck 5 from the main-caravan Munich in use by supervisors and the commander: Regie- und Kommandowagen.
The further equipment was an extending tower with amplifiers and a telephone-exchange. The power was as for the trucks as for the HZB;
c) the earlier shown command-truck with the tower in it's full, raised size. The commander or a supervisor could overview the caravan;
d) trailer which transported the enormous loud-speakers. This trialer was a part for Zug "Donau", car 2.

There is coming more!!
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a) b)

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c) d)

see for explanation post 6.

c) shows the upraised observation post; d) through the windows one sees the large


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With post 6: c) the upraised observation post; d) through the windows one sees the large

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e) f)

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g) h) i)

e) Verstärker- und Lautsprecher-Wagen, special truck for amplifiers and loud-speakers
(one is visible on the roof for the truck. It was possible to lower it into the truck). This truck, a Magirus chassis M50/5 tons,
was a six-cylinder diesel engine of 110 PS with a direct-current generator of 55 KW, 220 V, which was built in into the cardon-shaft.
In the back of the car an electro-aggregate of 15 KVA operated by an air-cooled four-cylinder carburattor;
f) Brennstoff-Tankwagen, a truck for fuel for the main-caravan Munich, car 16. It could contain 3,730 ltr of diesel and 1,250 ltr
of gasoline;
g) same sort of truck, but known as Sprengwagen. A truck as this could sprinkle the streets so it would not dust too much.
Also a Magirus chassis with a six-cylinder diesel engine. The truck could also be used as a fire-truck and had all of the equipment
included, like fire hoses etc.;
h) truck equipped for radio-transmitting. Note the lettering Übertragungszug, named Thuringia (Thüringen)
i) a view at a number of the large loud-speakers. The RAZ possessed lots of this euipment.


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The last photographs, showing some insignia. The tunic, garrison-cap, as well as the cuffband
are in the possession of US-collectors:

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a) b)

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c) d)

a) Dr.Goebbels welcomes leaders from main-departments and lower level departments from the Reichspropagandaleitung.
Here he is shaking hands with the commander for the RAZ, Hermann Schäfer, in March 1941. Next to Schäfer some of his
associates, wearing the RAZ collar-patch. The form is shown with a part of a tunic;
b) RAZ-members, wearing their garrison-cap with the beautiful insignia. Lighter brown veralls were worn indoors. In this classroom traffic
lessons were given to RAZ, as well as HZB-members;
c) This photograph shows clearly the use of the garrison-cap with its insignia, as well as the wearing of a black cuffband with appropriate
indication. This type of cuffband was only allowed to be worn indoors and on the grounds of the garage. Further shown the quite nice
insignia with the indication NSDAP Reichsautozug;
d) the black cuffband in wear. The aluminum version was in use when the Sonderhilfszug-uniform was ordered for wearing.

I hope you all enjoy these photographs. I do have more, but the shown ones give an idea about the Reichsautozug Deutschland.


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Maybe this fits into the thread. Found here.

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Great information Wilhelm , Thank you friend .
Maybe this fits into the thread. Found here.
Wow, these "Ultra rare" beauties are coming out of the woodwork in mint condition like hot cookies now.
Last month Rattlebones auctions sold one for 200 euros, which appeared the next week on Hiscoll site for 350 euros, where it still sits for sale, now, Rattlebones have just listed another, mint condition.
Strange how the maker forgot to put his number on them.. maybe they were an express order and he had no time!

Rattlebones link
Hiscoll link

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Weitze has em, eMedals has em, Veteransfootlocker has em, Lakeside has em....ha ha ha ha ha....:pound::lol::bounce:
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Would like to know where they come from. Old stock and all un-issued?

The Reichsautozug Deutschland was not a very large unit. Maybe Sturm-size
and so about 200 members. What I have found out is that this insignia possibly
only was in use during 1936 and 1937, but not widely spread. It is so possible
a large number of such insignia was in stock and never used.
Most members assigned were from the Hilfszug Bayern (an NSKK-unit), who
largely did wear the regular NSKK field-cap and its insignia. Just those from the
techical Sturm from the OSAF may have worn this rare insignia.

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All old stock, sitting in a drawer waiting for 2015 to list and sell :swiss
Maybe they were part of the famous Deschler Hoard?
I heard that they came from the same place the "stuff" goes when you flush.
Wow, these "Ultra rare" beauties are coming out of the woodwork in mint condition like hot cookies now.
Last month Rattlebones auctions sold one for 200 euros, which appeared the next week on Hiscoll site for 350 euros, where it still sits for sale, now, Rattlebones have just listed another, mint condition.
Strange how the maker forgot to put his number on them.. maybe they were an express order and he had no time!

Rattlebones link
Hiscoll link

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Final sales price was €180.-
VEEEEERY cheap for such a rare item - unless - well........ :swiss

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