Gold plated HJ Knife

Jun 1, 2021
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Well used, 6 1/8 blade , faint motto and rzm 7/38, 3/4 plating is worn off No scabbard .Diamond rattles.

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Hi. No such thing as "Marine knife". The diamond has the typical skinny swaz legs you see on fakes and the photos are overexposed so difficult to comment on any other aspect of the knife. Can you post better pictures please?
I totally agree with crack.

And I can further add that the checkered pattern of the grip plates looks COMPLETELY wrong - try looking at other photos of HJ knives.

In my eyes a 100% replica. :amen:

No futher pics necessary.

Michael :denmark
Just plain bad in every way. Everything about this piece is wrong as far as the shape and construction. The diamond, grip scales, and rivets; wrong. Shape of the pommel is incorrect. Same with the overall blade shape and ricasso. All wrong. A very bad reproduction.