Shirt HJ/DJ Bann 378. Info wanted

Aug 2, 2021
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I have this HJ/DJ shirt from Bann 378 but hasn´t been able to find out where in Schlesien Bann 378 was located. I would appreciate if someone can give me that information.

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Perhaps you would like some more information about the area.
The district/Kreis of Sagan ceased to exist in 1932, and a large part of it became part of the district of Sprottau, including the town of Sagan (20,000 inhabitants), which became the administrative seat of the district of Sprottau (hence the double name). From November 1941, the district was only called Sprottau.

The territory of Niederschlesien/Lower Silesia was created at the beginning of 1941 as part of a reorganisation (Prussian provinces of Niederschlesien and Oberschlesien with effect from 18 January 1941). This allows you to narrow down the time of your triangle even further.
Or maybe you'll have a bit of luck and catch a copy of this one.
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Or maybe you'll have a bit of luck and catch a copy of this one.
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That is true Jack and I have Wim's excellent book myself but as far as the listing of the Banne goes (only a small part of his book of course) the lists at the link above are more up to date and have Banne that Wim's lists don't have.
I have this HJ/DJ shirt from Bann 378 but hasn´t been able to find out where in Schlesien Bann 378 was located. I would appreciate if someone can give me that information.


Welcome to the HJ Forum. I confirm that the triangle sewn on your shirt does not match with the DJ Strap.
I would have preferred the "Ost Schlesien" triangle. I completely agree with the other members.

Best Regards
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Welcome to the HJ Forum. I confirm that the triangle sewn on your shirt does not match with the DJ Strap.
I would have preferred the "Ost Schlesien" triangle. I completely agree with the other members.

Best Regards
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Thank you for your welcome. But you are wrong about the triangle. The triangle Ost Niederschlesien definitely matches the shirt. Before the war, there was only one triangle for the HJ in Silesia (Ost Schlesien), but when the Germans recaptured the part of Silesia that belonged to the newly formed Poland since 1919 (Oberschlesien), two new variants of triangles were introduced: Ost Oberschlesien and Ost Niederschlesien. This shirt has the post 1939 triangle.
This shirt is completely untouched since the war and has not been in a collection before I got it. It was purchased together with some other HJ-related items that were found during a house renovation in former Silesia, now Poland.
Best regards,
Before the war, there was only one triangle for the HJ in Silesia (Ost Schlesien), but when the Germans recaptured the part of Silesia that belonged to the newly formed Poland since 1919 (Oberschlesien), two new variants of triangles were introduced: Ost Oberschlesien and Ost Niederschlesien.

Yes indeed. Gebiet 4 Schlesien was split in 1941 (effective from 1.3.1941) to create Gebiet 4 Niederschlesien and Gebiet 40 Oberschlesien.

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