Willi Blomquist

Aug 2, 2021
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I have this photo of HJ-leader Willi Blomquist when he served as an officer in the Wehrmacht Heer. I know he was Gebietsführer for Gebiet 8, Niedersachsen, and had a very low HJ membership number (325). Also that he became Obergebietsführer at some time. But that´s all, so I would appreciate if someone can give me some more information about his career.

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Hello, I found a little in my documents. I hope to have helped a little.

I created the list with a translator, so there is no guarantee whether it was translated correctly. I don't speak a word of English.

The date mentioned indicates publication in any document or newspaper

1933.09.01: Führer des Unterbanns Münster-Stadt, Gefolgschaftsführer Blomquist
1933.11.20: Standortführer Blomquist, Münster
1933.12.04: Führer des Bannes 13 (Stadt- und Landkreis Münster) Blomquist
1933.12.05: Unterbannführer Blomquist, Bann 13
1933.12.16: Führer des Bannes 13 (Stadt- und Landkreis Münster) Blomquist
1934.03.02: Führer des Bannes 13 Blomquist
1934.07.09: Oberbannführer Blomquist
1934.10.20: Bannführer Blomquist bisher Führer des Oberbannes V/9 (Münsterland) wurde Führer des Gebietes Niedersachsen
1935.07.31: Gebietsführer Blomquist, Niedersachsen
1940.11.16: Gebietsführer Blomquist
1942.11.24: Neuer Gebietsführer der Befehlsstelle Niederlande in Den Haag, Gebietsführer Blomquist. Sein Vorgänger Hauptbannführer Lindenburger ist im Osten gefallen.
1943.04.20: Gebietsführer Blomquist

1933.09.01: Leader of the Münster-Stadt sub-ban, follower leader Blomquist
1933.11.20: Site leader Blomquist, Münster
1933.12.04: Leader of Ban 13 (city and district of Münster) Blomquist
1933.12.05: Unterbannführer Blomquist, ban 13
1933.12.16: Leader of Ban 13 (city and district of Münster) Blomquist
1934.03.02: Leader of Ban 13 Blomquist
1934.07.09: Oberbannführer Blomquist
1934.10.20: Bannführer Blomquist, previously leader of Oberbannes V/9 (Münsterland), became leader of the Lower Saxony area
1935.07.31: Area leader Blomquist, Lower Saxony
1940.11.16: Area leader Blomquist
1942.11.24: New area leader of the Netherlands command post in The Hague, area leader Blomquist. His predecessor Hauptbannführer Lindenburger fell in the east.
1943.04.20: Area leader Blomquist

Best regards, Pele
In addition, the short biopic at Buddrus.

Born on 6 September 1910 in Stallgard;
goldsmith, married;
NSDAP since 1 January 1930, member no. 201.284; HJ since 1/1930;
3/1932 - 4/1934 Master goldsmith;
as Bannführer (1934 Obf.) 1933 - 10/1934 leader of the Bann Münsterland) in the HJ Gebiet
Westfalen; as Gebietsf. 10/1934 - 1943 leader of the HJ Gebiet
Niedersachsen/Lower Saxony in Ha[n]nover (one of the longest-serving
5/1940 war service in the Wehrmacht as Feldwebel/sergeant, 5/1941 lieutenant, later captain
and transferred to the Waffen-SS; from 6-10/1942 inspector of the
of the HJ WEL/military training camps (predecessor of Gerhard
Hein); from 11/1942 set up the HJ Befehlsstelle/command centre for the Netherlands
in The Hague and its head until 1944 (salary 1,094 RM);
6/1943 interrupted by three months of "front probation" because Blomquist had "slapped and beaten" four soldiers;
Golden Badge of Honour of the NSDAP and the HJ, Iron Cross II and I, Infantry Storm Badge
and Golden Badge of Honour for the Wounded (Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP, der HJ, ΕΚ II, I, Infanteriesturmabzeichen, Goldenes Verwundetenabzeichen)
Hello, I found a little in my documents. I hope to have helped a little.

I created the list with a translator, so there is no guarantee whether it was translated correctly. I don't speak a word of English.

The date mentioned indicates publication in any document or newspaper

1933.09.01: Führer des Unterbanns Münster-Stadt, Gefolgschaftsführer Blomquist
1933.11.20: Standortführer Blomquist, Münster
1933.12.04: Führer des Bannes 13 (Stadt- und Landkreis Münster) Blomquist
1933.12.05: Unterbannführer Blomquist, Bann 13
1933.12.16: Führer des Bannes 13 (Stadt- und Landkreis Münster) Blomquist
1934.03.02: Führer des Bannes 13 Blomquist
1934.07.09: Oberbannführer Blomquist
1934.10.20: Bannführer Blomquist bisher Führer des Oberbannes V/9 (Münsterland) wurde Führer des Gebietes Niedersachsen
1935.07.31: Gebietsführer Blomquist, Niedersachsen
1940.11.16: Gebietsführer Blomquist
1942.11.24: Neuer Gebietsführer der Befehlsstelle Niederlande in Den Haag, Gebietsführer Blomquist. Sein Vorgänger Hauptbannführer Lindenburger ist im Osten gefallen.
1943.04.20: Gebietsführer Blomquist

1933.09.01: Leader of the Münster-Stadt sub-ban, follower leader Blomquist
1933.11.20: Site leader Blomquist, Münster
1933.12.04: Leader of Ban 13 (city and district of Münster) Blomquist
1933.12.05: Unterbannführer Blomquist, ban 13
1933.12.16: Leader of Ban 13 (city and district of Münster) Blomquist
1934.03.02: Leader of Ban 13 Blomquist
1934.07.09: Oberbannführer Blomquist
1934.10.20: Bannführer Blomquist, previously leader of Oberbannes V/9 (Münsterland), became leader of the Lower Saxony area
1935.07.31: Area leader Blomquist, Lower Saxony
1940.11.16: Area leader Blomquist
1942.11.24: New area leader of the Netherlands command post in The Hague, area leader Blomquist. His predecessor Hauptbannführer Lindenburger fell in the east.
1943.04.20: Area leader Blomquist

Best regards, Pele
Thank you very much!
In addition, the short biopic at Buddrus.

Born on 6 September 1910 in Stallgard;
goldsmith, married;
NSDAP since 1 January 1930, member no. 201.284; HJ since 1/1930;
3/1932 - 4/1934 Master goldsmith;
as Bannführer (1934 Obf.) 1933 - 10/1934 leader of the Bann Münsterland) in the HJ Gebiet
Westfalen; as Gebietsf. 10/1934 - 1943 leader of the HJ Gebiet
Niedersachsen/Lower Saxony in Ha[n]nover (one of the longest-serving
5/1940 war service in the Wehrmacht as Feldwebel/sergeant, 5/1941 lieutenant, later captain
and transferred to the Waffen-SS; from 6-10/1942 inspector of the
of the HJ WEL/military training camps (predecessor of Gerhard
Hein); from 11/1942 set up the HJ Befehlsstelle/command centre for the Netherlands
in The Hague and its head until 1944 (salary 1,094 RM);
6/1943 interrupted by three months of "front probation" because Blomquist had "slapped and beaten" four soldiers;
Golden Badge of Honour of the NSDAP and the HJ, Iron Cross II and I, Infantry Storm Badge
and Golden Badge of Honour for the Wounded (Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP, der HJ, ΕΚ II, I, Infanteriesturmabzeichen, Goldenes Verwundetenabzeichen)
Thank you very much! That´s great, but I have found out that he was born in Stuttgart, not Stallgard.
Here is another photo with Blomquist. It is obviously in connection with a balloon flight. I assume it is with personnel from the NSFK.

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Willi Blomquist as an army officer wearing his golden HJ badge.According to a statement by Arthur Axmann in Nuremberg in 1947, Blomquist belonged to the SS-Division Hitlerjugend in 1945."Hiermit erklaere ich eidenstattlich, das Willi Blomquist auf grund einer vereinbarung zwischen dem Oberkommando des Heeres und der Reichsjugendführung im April 1945 vom Heer zur SS-Division Hitlerjugend ueberstellt worden ist."

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You're right, I've just double-checked that with the Historisches Ortslexikon. There was no settlement with the name Stallgard (the name would be conceivable, especially in Pommern/Pomerania), so it must be an annoying typo.
I did not find his name in the list of officers in Hubert Meyer's book "12 SS Panzer-division"
I did not find his name in the list of officers in Hubert Meyer's book "12 SS Panzer-division"
According to information from Axmann, Willi Blomquist was transferred to the Hiterjugend Division in April 1945. That was in the final stages of the war. That might explain why there is no other information about it. It could also be that Axmann provided incorrect information.

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