Names of higher leaders


Jun 5, 2009
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In addition to this project that names the Gebietsführer (and equivalent) who were in charge of the various Gebiete from 1933-45 (including the k.-Gebietsführer), I started a new project last year that aims to list those leaders who commanded the respective Banne, Untergaue Jungbanne and JM-Untergaue during the same period. This and the other project are of general interest for anyone wishing to research this subject but could also be useful in uncovering possible fakes of items that would be have been signed by leaders at this level. The Bann project is going well but I still have many gaps and so would appreciate any and all assistance from members that have documents containing the names/signatures of leaders at this level. Many thanks in advance!
Very useful thing, Garry. I can remember some posts relating to K.-Bannführer Walter Werner last year :001_smile:. I believe it would be helpful to list the known Banne with their leaders and time slots, or the missing ones. This could really simplify the process of finding some candidates sought.
haha yes, you came up with great additions there Jack :biggrin1:

Okay, here are the ones I'm stuck on at the moment:

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Fine, Garry. I'll go through my stuff, and will report if I find something.
(BTW: A few dozen pages later in my album - that I still love, especially its drawings because I completely lack this talent - "Frau Walter" was mentioned as a cook in the camp, so there was another proof of the name :001_rolleyes:.)
Been pounding Gebiet Baden over the last few days. Going really well so just a very small number of holes in those Banne to fill now.
Hi Garry,

I found only the SHAEF information regarding Baden and Württemberg so far.
Some more from other regions you might already have:

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Thanks Jack :thumb:

Two or three of these are unknown to me currently and there are others where I see them earlier or later than the dates you found which means that I can slot them right in. Did you save the references for the information at all?

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No problem at all, Garry :).
104 Chemnitz: Otto is an conclusion from Adressbuch 1942 and 1943/44 because he is still to be found at his registration address.

The other Saxons are from "Feldpost. Gebietsführung Sachsen", No. 6 and 16. Some had been already drafted to the Wehrmacht but apparently remained in their office as a Bann leader (On the other hand, some others are mentioned as former leaders). They sent Feldpost letters to the editors signed "K-Bannführer of Bann so-so". These I lettered with the "W".
Taking photos for proof will take some time but I will show them here to you.
Here we go:
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Pic 2 is from issue 6, the rest from 16, Garry. Okay, should have used a bigger font size :lol:. But this type fits so well :thumbup1:.

BTW: January 1941, Baf. Wahl from Bann 117 Mainz - do you have him on the list already? (Seen at Weitze's recently.)
That Gebietsführer listing is a really useful project. My congrats on researching it Garry, must have taken bloody ages! Good luck with the Bann leader project too. If I come across any info I'll give you a shout :)
It doesn't quite fit here, but I didn't want to attach it to the sticky thread above.
I was wondering if a picture and signature, where available, could be added to the really useful Gebietsführer lists on the wiki. More work for Garry and anyone else who would contribute, but I reckon that would be a great thing to do. What do you guys think?
Great minds :) I have been saving pictures of these personnel (and of the Bannführer, Jungbannführer etc for my other project) whenever I find them with the aim of adding them to that page. I've only scratched the surface so far though so any and all additions would be greatly appreciated. This thread seems as good a place as any to collate them :thumb:
Great stuff, Garry :good:.
Here is my small, really small contribution of my own photos on the fly:
Kuhnt 1940,
Möckel (as Stabsführer),
Schmitz (with signature) 1940.
I'll have to go through everything.
I will now also keep an eye out for Bannführer ;-).