
  1. Gefolgschaft

    HJ Hilfszart Feldscher Shoulder Staps, Bargain Price.

    Someone got a great deal on this set. Sold on the WAF Estand for $195. Even with the insect damage a great set to have. Hopefully a member here snapped these up!
  2. Pimpf359

    What is the for a Feldscher? Green-silver piping !

    Can you give me a say where i can classify the Feldscher? Is it perhaps only a Gefolgschaftsfeldscher or Gebietsfeldscher? Unfortunately I have not yet seen this variant.
  3. M

    HJ medic (Feldscher) 2nd type with golden wreath

    Hi guys, i get this Cloth-patch of an HJ-Feldscher 2nd type with a golden wreath. What's does it mean? Is it an original Piece? I'm very glad about your help. Kind regards send you mole-hunter
  4. kylesbullets

    New HJ medic (Feldscher) armband "Eigentum Oberster SA-Führung"

    When I first bought this, I thought it was for SA due to the stamping. But it seems that the SA never wore this armband like I thought they did, so I would assume it's HJ, but no clue why it has these stamps. Any ideas? Even has the RZM tag. Length is much longer then I thought I was going to be.
  5. S

    HJ Feldscher identity card Gebiet 21 Baden, Reichsluftschutzbund ID card and photos

    good morning here's a little paper lots and pictures HJ sincerely seppi72
  6. holzwurm_1920

    Bann 120 Donauland shoulder strap and Feldscher equipment

    Here are pictures of my new shoulder board from Bann 120 Donauland and 2 tubes with iodine, in one of the glastubes the iodine is still liquid. This tubes are from "DJ Jungbann 120 Donauland" The 2 metal tubes are different lettered.
  7. holzwurm_1920

    My HJ Feldscher items

    Have a look.:001_smile:
  8. holzwurm_1920

    HJ Feldscher (Hitler Youth medic) equipment including HJ-Koppeltasche

    Hello, here some pictures from my new Feldscher items. Just payed, I hope the items arrive soon. Best Regards
  9. holzwurm_1920

    HJ Feldscher tornister ?

    Hello, is this a HJ-Feldscher-tornister ? Must they not be grey ? There are stamps in it. What is a good price for such an item, if it is from HJ. Your opinions please. Best Regards
  10. Walhall

    Feldscher Koppeltasche

    Hi I have a question......Is this Feldscher Koppeltasche an Early one?? Color is brown and without Stamp "Reichsjugenführung Berlin Ausrüstungsamt Feldscherwesen" mfG Brian:germany
  11. holzwurm_1920

    "Feldscher armband" arrived today

    Hello, here is a picture of my Feldscher-armband. Hope you enjoy the picture. Best Regards
  12. Northwind

    HJ Feldscher Koppeltasche

    Hello, First Aid bag, obvisiously belonging to the HJ, found recently in my homevillage. The possible user was born 1921. Could anyone please date this bag. HJ tag lightly visible on top of the leather cover. Manufacturing print: W. Söhngen & ??, Wiesbaden. Printed textil list inside: Art. Nr...
  13. Gefolgschaft

    Puma Hitler youth knife with manufacturer's tag

    This one is up on WAF at the moment. I saw this listed last week on "Veterans Footlocker" for $400 USD and it sold very quickly. It's now listed on WAF Estand at 750 USD. Pretty fast escalation in value. Sort of like the NPEA straps that Weitze paid 500 Euro for and then listed a week later for...
  14. wizardelf

    Flying start of my Hitler Youth Feldscher projekt

    Hi, I've recently bought some feldscher items. Amongst them are two patches for HJ feldscher ( one of them = gefolgschaft, the other is for a common level) furthermore there is an ausweis for a HJ boy from bann 189 (Nord Nordsee/Lüneberg)and last but not least a postcard with a hj boy who has a...
  15. C

    Formation flags for Hitler Youth medical units (Feldscher / Unfalldienst)?

    I see from other threads that the special formations like Streifendienst, Flieger-HJ, Motor-HJ etc all had their own formation flags and was wondering if the HJ medics (Feldscher)had the same?
  16. Paul Ayerst

    Feldscher sleeve patch and NPEA cloth hat eagle found

  17. cemifor

    Flieger-HJ with Feldscher badge

    Flieger-HJ with Feldscher and other interesting badges. And his girlfriend?
  18. Joe B

    HJ boy wearing a FELDSCHER armband .

    I believe this photo was taken just after the bombing of Hamburg , if you look at the boy at the bottom part of the photo ...you can just see that he is wearing a Feldscher armband problibly over his regular HJ armband .
  19. Gefolgschaft

    Hitler Youth Feldscher Insignia, early version or fake?

    This one was up at Mil 321. The background material is really course looking, not a "felt" type like I am used to seeing on this type of HJ insignia, and the life rune appears to be in white, not silver cord. No photo of the reverse was posted in the auction. I put in a bid as it was cheap...
  20. Gefolgschaft

    Feldscher Shoulder Boards In Wear.

    A nice little photo of several HJ Leaders, showing the First Pattern Feldscher shoulder boards in wear I just won on Ebay for a good price. Many appear to be wearing wound badges, possibly former combat soldiers serving in the HJ after being wounded. Rare to see photos of these HJ boards in wear...