
  1. Garry

    New BDM uniform 1944

    There is an entry in a Gebietsbefehl (Pommern) from March 1944 setting out the distribution plan for the "new BDM uniform" of blue jacket, blue skirt and grey shirt which had recently become available in RZM outlets. It states that leaders and experienced girls should be given first dibs. Does...
  2. BlackWatch1

    Are there photographs of Deutsches Jungvolk wearing the original uniform beret?

    Are there photographs of Deutsches Jungvolk wearing the original uniform beret? I did an internet search and found that the beret was worn by the DJ and then it was replaced in 1934 but I cannot find any period photos with DJ wearing a beret. I just acquired this photo and repaired it. Photo was...
  3. P

    Pre-HJ (?) postcards

    I have found some odd postcards which I thought someone here might be able to help me with. The first postcard has 1909 written both sides which might be a clue. If someone can translate the writing I would be grateful. My feeling looking through old photos of German youth movements is that...
  4. F

    Unissued rare last pattern HJ uniform Bann 564 Train school

    Still with original tags. Jacket size 42. All buttons are RZM marked. Maby Hugo Boss? Don't know. Bann 564 was located in Wehrertüchtigungslager der Hitler-Jugend, Gebiet Oberdonau (29) Kammer-Schörfling, Kreis Vöcklabruck it was a famous hitlerjugend military school and train school.
  5. W

    My New NPEA Tunic ( Dienstrock)

    Hello, I provide you exclusively pictures of my new NPEA Tunic, bought last March at the SOS Show, Louisville, USA. Those of you who know me well, have understood very well that I thrilled me when this jacket arrived at my home. Following the burglary of a great collector in Belgium, I...
  6. F

    Hitler jugend musician with drum hanger and officers cap?.

    Together with his music chief Wolfgang Stumme, von Schirach emphasized the power of music and song in the context of the HJ's educational endeavour, and himself wrote several HJ songs. Here af picture of a erly HJ musician in uniform.
  7. T

    Uniform: Hj Flakhelfer or Flieger-HJ?

    This uniform was found under the floor. It looks like hj flakhelfer but on shoulder i see rest of insignia . ( sry for my english ^^ )
  8. Wim Vangossum

    Ernst Hanfstaengl son with the HJ

    Hi everyone, While reading a biografie of Ernst Hanfstaengl I found the following anekdote I want to share: When the Polish campagne broke out, Ernst was already escaped to England and his son Egon was on a passenger ship on the Atlantic ocean escaping direction Canada. Egon realized that he...
  9. F

    DJ Pimpfe in dark uniform - Elastolin Pfeifer

    Guess a year?
  10. F

    Südost Böhmen-Mähren HJ/DJ sleeve patch

    Hey Gentˋs have this unusual uniform triangle patch done by painting for HJ/DJ, not sure from witch year:help: From region with many germans. Known as śudeten Bohemians´
  11. F

    Motor-HJ membership card (Mitglieds Ausweis) for Hessen-Nassau 1936 until 1940

    Printed armband. What you think guys?. Nice uniform pic and stamps. Say's Gebiet 13 ?
  12. cemifor

    Photo of NSFK uniform at Flieger-Technische Schule

    Off topic and not HJ related, but I received this quite rare postcardsize photo today, and want to share it with you. It's a NSFK member in working clothes with NSFK Ikaros "eagle", the characteristic NSFK beret and NSFK dagger. "Technische Schule der NSFK Gruppe 6 Schlesien, Kattowich April...
  13. A

    HJ and BDM uniform in Berlin 1945

    Hello everyone! I'm sorry for my english SO MUCH! i'm interesting of reconstuction, and reconstruction of HJ and BDM including. alas, in Russia are no many places to wear HJ-BDM unifrorm ( But however My yonger comrad was HJ-boy at reconstruction "Berlin 1945" at last year. He had very nice...
  14. Bann 171

    Very early 1933 Mannheim 1/171 Gefolgschaft Spielmannszug picture

    Hi friends, I got this very nice picture of the Mannheim Sandhofen Spielmannszug this weekend at my Museum. Its dated 1933 and I think it is nice for all of us to see this early style Uniform with the black sidecaps and I can not see any shoulderboards! Enjoy Dirk
  15. zacker

    HJ Luftwaffenhelfer Patches

    Picked these up, 1 cut from a roll the other looks to be uniform removed, both pass black light test, will try the burn test later.
  16. cemifor

    Early (1926) HJ Uniform regulations

    Early - 1926 - HJ uniform regulations. Richtlinien für das Verhältnis zwischen NSDAP und Hitler-Jugend e.V. vom 5. Dezember 1926. ... 15. Die Kleidung der HJ ist das Braunhemd. Es darf nur offen (Schiller) getragen werden und ohne Halstuch (ohne Selbstbinder). Auf Halsaufschlag wird ein...
  17. cemifor

    Pre April 1937 Flieger-HJ uniform

    Pre April 1937 Flieger-HJ in DLV uniform. Note zipper blouse and DLV cap badge. Pre April 1937 Flieger-HJ were trained by DLV. DLV was dissolved in April 1937 and replaced by the NS-Fliegerkorps (NSFK). From this time the Flieger-HJ was trained by NSFK, wearing HJ uniforms. ...
  18. Como

    HJ cloth diamond, used (removed from uniform) compared with unissued

    Hi guys, I recently posted a new acquisition of a cloth Hj diamond, commonly seen worn by BDM on the sleeve, as well as sports competition shirts. There is a dealer online who is offering 'unissued' diamonds, complete with RZM tag. I just received one and thought I would share some photo's...
  19. lewys

    HJ Winter Mannequin

    Hi, Pics from my HJ winter uniform. Best regards from Alsace, France. Carfin.
  20. M

    Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom (NSU) Uniforms?

    Hello everyone I have in a little while searched on NSU and their uniforms. I have found some pictures, text and a little movie. But I have not been able to discover a NSU-uniform if there still exist. However, are there some who know if the uniform still exist and where? Best regards from...