Another theft: the museum Eyewitness at Beek was robbed!

Jun 7, 2009
Thanks Received
Helmond, Netherlands. My hometown is located near
A few days ago the museum of my friend Wim Seelen at Beek near Maastricht was the "goal" of theft.
Quite some rare stuff was stolen in a nick of time. The alarmed police came too late.
If I get new information from Wim, I will let you know and inform you.

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That makes me angry. I hope the perpetrators will be caught!
Envy and greed make people do many bad things.
I posted about 175 photos of stolen items at WAF.
The owner asked me about this, as he was not able
to do this. Of course I was willing to help Wim from
the museum.
For those interested, please visit the thread!

Just one photo:

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