Colourised photos

so I worked on the face and a couple of other areas today.
Lipstick never hurts :) Wish i could do these, although i dont really have time... maybe one day by the "learning by doing" method.
Colorized picture

Hello Garry,
here is the next picture for clorizing ;)

This was a joke, I know it is very much work to colorize a picture and it is impossible to colorize the picture of Walter Leopold.
All your colorized pictures are fantastic.
Thank you for showing.

Best Regards

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Colorized picture from Vienna Bann 491 Thank you Garry

Many,many thanks to Garry who has colorized my picture.
I hope everybody enjoy his fantastic work.
Best Regards

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Just a bit of general background on the insignia for the thread:

The boy in Alois' photo is a HJ Rottenführer wearing the green/black Hauptscharführer lanyard (according to regulations it should be on his right shoulder incidentally). This lanyard had previously been worn as a sign of rank by the HJ Oberscharführer and DJ Oberjungzugführer but from the 1st of June 1938 they wore the green lanyard.

The appointments (they were not ranks) of HJ Hauptscharführer/DJ Hauptjungzugführer were introduced on the 11th of March 1938. These personnel worked in support of the Gefolgschaftsführer/Fähnleinführer and took care of certain administrative or technical functions. All of the Organisationswarte, Schriftwarte and Geschäftsführer for example were allowed to wear this lanyard from the above date.
Wonder if in 80 years time anyone will be colorizing a photo of me?
Here is a Hitler Youth Leader I colored a few days ago. Any suggestions? Thanks

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Hi Charles,

The lanyard is incorrect. It should be green/white showing his appointment as Gefolgschaftsführer. This assumes that the original photo shows a regular pattern of dark spots on the lanyard. If not and you see a more uniform appearance then the lanyard should be green for the rank of Scharführer (or the appointment of Scharführer depending on the date of the photograph).
Hi Garry,

Wonderful work you did with these pictures!

@Jo: Not a chance Jo, but I guess some people on WAF play darts with your picture:w00t:

Regards, Wim
@Jo: Not a chance Jo, but I guess some people on WAF play darts with your picture:w00t:
Wim, just wait until they start seeing the You Tube videos. There will be a dart stand at the next SOS and MAX-ipad Show... you`ll be able to win a free award if you can "Hit Micro-Jo in the eyes" (it will be fake though) and if you hit him in the goonies, a free "NSDAP Par-tie-genoooosin" pin (fake as well no doubt) [Pronounce that like Wittman does] and if you get all three darts in his head, you walk away with the main prize - a microscope that has the lenses covered with cut-outs of images from a Christopher Ailsby book, so no matter what you look at through the microscope, you`ll always rest assured, and see your favorite fake described as genuine!

Those are really interesting works! It must take a lot of time a attention to detail, and dedication to achieve these results.

I say keep it up! I would love to see more of your work.

The photo of the young musician in the photo is very interesting. I like how he has his trumpet(?) mouthpiece in his shirt/kerchief.

Thanks for sharing these. Very cool.

Thanks Craig :thumb: It takes a while to complete but it's great fun. Good results are only really achievable if the original photo has fairly sharp detail.
I had another go at the chap in post #14. He was Flieger-HJ there but I changed him to Nachrichten-HJ for this one :) The face looks more natural now I think:

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Here's another one:

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