Let's talk about the 1932 1 NS Reichsjugendtag Potsdam badges

the silver version was the participants version. I noted official NSDAP, but this was not
quite correct. In the "Verordnungsblatt der Reichsleitung der NSDAP", issue 66
from the end of February 1934 with order 11/34 it was noted what was mentiond to be
an official order or decoration to be worn with the uniform. The shown insignia was not
included in this list. Neither it was included in the list as noted in issue 132 from mid-
November 1936 in the same "Verordnungsblatt". The golden HJ insignia was, but I can't
find anywhere if the Potsdam insignia was later phrased as a so-called traditions-badge.
If so, it was allowed to be worn with the uniform. Maybe one of our "order"-specialists
can help here!
Great thread. Lots of Hofstaetter badges around but pretty sure this is the first Aurich that I've seen. Makes me suspicious.

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Interesting document on Weitze's site which was produced to confirm that a boy had attended the Potsdam rally. It is accompanied by a bronze badge which, of course, may or not be that boy's. The interesting part is the date and the fact that these letters of confirmation were being produced at this time. It could be the case that this boy just didn't get a bronze badge on the day and needed written confirmation so that he could wear one that he obtained later but it could equally mean that he needed the letter in order to qualify to wear the silver version which, as we know, became the honour badge. If we assume the latter, that would give us a good insight into when that happened because as far as I know the date hasn't yet been nailed. See here for more on that. Interesting document in any case.

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Maybe there is another reason, that being, him having something official to take with him to the shop to buy one. As proof of one or another kind was required in order to buy these things.
Ewan sent me the stickpin-supposedly by Hoffstätter, shown in the magazione in post 10. Will include imcro images into a video at some point, it`s a horribly cast fake, just as we thought.
Maybe there is another reason, that being, him having something official to take with him to the shop to buy one. As proof of one or another kind was required in order to buy these things.

Yep, that's what I was thinking Jo. Could be a pointer that the silver version achieved honour status towards the end of 1933 leading, like it did with the HJ Ehrenzeichen in 1934, to a rush of people getting official written confirmation before either going to an outlet to get the badge or perhaps for "Sammelbestellungen" through the manufacturer or the RJF.
Hi All,

.... Today I received the Internationales Militaria Magazin number 141,

For the avoidance of confusion, this was posted in 2011, and the magazine that Antonio is referring to, is from December 2009.
The way it`s posted, "..Today I recieved the magazine.." could lead people to believe that he was a subscriber, and had just recieved it, therefore in late 2011.
I have had to buy a copy of this magazine for my research, and just noted that it`s December 2009.
Looks like that edge was chomped out by a rabid beaver :)

Yes. Very dissapointed with the full article, now I can read it. It`s pathetic really. Claims, but nothing to support them. In fact no research at all, and wrong info to boot. But not surprising seeing as it`s the IMM, I`ve only read a few copies of this mag, and each one has been the same. Dismal.
I'm going to start collating information froim the forum on various items so that I can create more wiki pages to centralise that informatiuon instead of having it spread out over loads of threads. I'm starting with the Potsdam badge (page is up but it's just a placeholder at the moment) and would appreciate it if those interested in these badges could read through this thread and see whether anything can be added. Perhaps some of you are aware of information that has turned up since this particular thread was last updated and it would be great to hear about that.
I hope this can contribute to the discussion. The HJ is wear the badge(silver?) in question and an SA style buckle so I assume circa 1933 and notice also the Hakenkreuz Swallow's Nests.

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