Names of higher leaders

These were the pictures that I own myself. The photos of the important ones do not belong directly to my collecting area. But I still have some internet finds that I have to go through. I assume that you already got the three named people?
BARTSCH, OSKAR (Buddrus, nothing new for you, Garry)
born 21.11.1912 in Ludwigsburg; student, single; first Baf. in Breslau, 1936 as Obaf. Head of Staff of HJ-Gebietsführung Kurmark in Frankfurt/O., here promoted to Hbaf. in 11/1938; from 6/1939 in Berlin (Gauleitung section); from 5/1940 in Posen, there in the NSDAP Gauleitung Wartheland; as Hbaf. deputy leader of the HJ Kampfgruppe 'Reichsjugendführung' in Berlin; belonged to the leadership staff of the 1st Tank Destruction Brigade 'Hitler Youth'; 1945 Gebf. or Amtschef. of the RJF.
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Sorry, that's a really small pic, so I couldn't provide a better quality :-(.

Werner Kuhnt, Gebf. (1911-2000)
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Hans Schmitz, Gebf. (b. 1906)
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That's a rare pic, I haven't found a single one on the internet.

All together:
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And the Schmitz signature:
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Hi Garry,
Do you already have for Bann 380 (Gifhorn) Unterbannführer
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The relevant document is from December 1937.
Excellent Jack, many thanks! I have him as Bannführer 380 in the rank of Unterbannführer in 1938 but not 1937. He must then have been the initial Bannführer 380. He was replaced according to my list in 1939 at which time he led both the HJ and DJ 380 in the rank of Stammführer. Would you be happy to post your source?
Of course, Garry. I saw this one in an auction:
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When I have more time I plan to have a wiki page for each Bann/Reichsbann. This will show the following:

The name of the Bann, when it was raised and any changes to the Bann name over time where applicable.
The position of the Bann in terms of the overall organisation including the correct sleeve triangles.
The names of the Bann, Untergau etc leaders 1933-1945
Sub-units within the Bann.
Address of the Bann etc HQ.
Leadership schools

Essentially I plan to recreate, correct and expand the 1944 SHAEF list and to that end here is an example page (not yet fully populated with data). As I say, the aim is that each Bann will have a page like this:

Great idea, Garry. That way it would be even easier to contribute something missing. I'm sure everyone has come across some document with a name of a Bannführer somewhere.

BTW: The example page is not visible - no permission :biggrin1:.
Try now Jack. The wiki was disabled until the migration was complete.
I have tried in the past but I'm going to make a concerted effort to create new pages in order to pool information from the forum. We have huge amounts of information but it's just not that easy to find. I envisage having pages that cover each item so there would be a page on socks, another on visors, another on flags and so on. Long-term project sure but worth it I think.
In this particular case, I can well imagine how difficult and time-consuming it is. But the benefits are huge, I think. And you can contribute more easily, and maybe a few more will join in.
Sometimes I search for a specific thread because I have a few additions - for example, new numbers for the proficiency badges - and then I don't find it right away. And with the unit leaders, it's great to know what's missing...
I have two (maybe) new ones here:
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Many thanks Jack :yo: I have
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but not his promotion to Oberbannführer so I've added that.

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is a good find too. I have Oberfähnleinführer
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there in November 1938 so
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must have preceded him. What is the date for the
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That's great, Garry!
The date is exactly 10 November 1938.
He signed a warning for a poor chap who had left the Bann area without a leave pass. "Durchschlag zur Stammrolle".
One of the areas I am particularly interested in - the disciplinary law of the HJ.

If I have seen correctly, Gefolgschaft 18/217 is also still missing from the list.
Very nice. Another hole filled :)

Yes indeed, I don't have that Gefolgschaft. Do you have a dated source so that I can add those details to the list?
Hi Garry,

I just came across the Jungbannführer 109/Karlsruhe (October 1937):
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Do you already have him on your list?
Hi Garry,

I just came across the Jungbannführer 109/Karlsruhe (October 1937): [Hidden content]
Do you already have him on your list?
Sorry for the late reply Jack. Yes, I have him but many thanks (y)